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Do I Repair or Replace My Furnace?

Do I Repair or Replace My Furnace?

No one likes it when they crank up the heat for the first time in months, only for something to go wrong with their furnace. When that happens, sometimes people immediately assume that their furnace has bit the dust and it's time to drop some dough on a new one. But what if all your furnace needs are a few repairs to get it up and running again?

If you're not a trained HVAC expert, it can be tough to recognize when a furnace needs to be replaced or when it just needs fixing up. As an HVAC company specializing in furnace repair & replacement, sometimes it takes us a while to make that call ourselves. However, we think this guide might give you a better idea of what to potentially expect when your furnace goes on the fritz.

When Furnace Repairs Are Preferable

1. Minor Issues

If your furnace is relatively new and is experiencing minor problems, such as a malfunctioning thermostat or a clogged filter, repair is often the best course of action. These issues are usually straightforward and cost-effective to fix, and routine furnace repair and maintenance can help prevent minor issues from escalating into more dangerous or destructive ones.

2. Your Furnace Is Well-Maintained/ Within Its Average Lifespan

When your furnace has been well-maintained and the repair needs are infrequent, repairing it is usually the wiser choice. A well-maintained furnace that has not exceeded its average lifespan (typically 15-20 years) and is facing issues like a failed component or minor leaks can often be repaired without replacing the entire system.

3. The Cost of Repairs Is Less Than Half That of Replacement

We work off a basic cost-benefit principle to determine which alternative is the least burdensome option for our clients. If your furnace has taken a beating, repair costs can add up. Still, if the costs of repairing your furnace are less than 50% that of just full-on replacing it, it's definitely better to make the cheaper repairs instead!

When Furnace Replacement Is Preferable

1. Frequent Repairs

If your furnace is over 15 -20 years old and requires frequent repairs to keep it running, it might be time to consider a replacement. Frequent breakdowns often indicate that the furnace is nearing the end of its lifespan, and continued repairs may not be cost-effective in the long run. As furnaces age, some of their components can also become obsolete and difficult or impossible to find, further complicating future repairs.

2. Rising Energy Bills

An increase in energy bills can signal that your furnace is no longer operating efficiently. Older models in particular often struggle to keep up with modern energy standards and cutting-edge, energy-efficient HVAC equipment. Replacing an outdated furnace with a newer model can significantly reduce your utility bills and improve overall comfort.

3. The Cost of Repairs Is Above 50% The Cost of Replacement

Basically, the inverse of the scenario presented earlier. If the cost of repairing your furnace adds up to more than half the cost of replacing it, we typically advise just going ahead and upgrading to a new system. Technically, that can still mean a slightly higher upfront cost than making repairs in some situations. However, if your furnace is in bad enough shape that it needs significant, expensive repairs, it's usually more cost-effective in the long run to simply install a brand-new system.

To Repair or To Replace?

The decision to repair or replace your furnace depends on factors such as the age of the unit, the nature of the problem, and your budget. We will assess the condition of your furnace and give you our expert recommendations to help you make the decision that's the most cost-effective, helpful, and sustainable in the long run.

Thermacool Mechanical is a trusted HVAC company offering furnace repair and replacement services for Abbotsford-area locals. Contact Thermacool Mechanical today at 604-751-2412 to discuss your options and request a free estimate!

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